Tag: damages

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Hollywood: Greve já causou prejuízos de mais de 5 MM$, mas actores e escritores recusam-se a ceder

Hollywood: Strike has already caused more than 5 MM$ in losses, but actors and writers refuse to give in

The screenwriters' and actors' strike in Hollywood has already cost California around five billion dollars, according to the Milken Institute, but the artists "still have energy" and won't give in, said American actor Chris Marrone. "People are tired, but not discouraged. They still have energy," he said. "We're in this together and we're not...

Sector privado alerta para prejuízos na economia devido aos ataques a camiões na África do Sul

Private sector warns of damage to economy from truck attacks in South Africa

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), the country's largest employers' organization, warned on Thursday of damage to the country's economy due to the wave of attacks on trucks transporting goods in South Africa. To this end, the private sector advocates reinforcing road safety. According to the deputy president of the CTA...