Tag: damages

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Prejuízos de Revimo ultrapassam 600 milhões de Meticais

Revimo's losses exceed 600 million Meticais

Rede Viária de Moçambique (REVIMO) says it has incurred losses of 655 million Meticais as a result of the destruction and non-payment of tolls in the cities of Maputo and Maputo province. And because of this scenario, the number of suspended contracts has now reached 1380 employees of the tolls destroyed during the post-election tension,...

Maputo: Empreiteiro abandona obra de construção da Avenida Dom Alexandre e reclama prejuízos

Maputo: Contractor abandons construction work on Avenida Dom Alexandre and claims damages

The contractor for the construction of Avenida Dom Alexandre, which is supposed to connect the Mahotas neighborhood in Maputo city to the village of Marracuene in Maputo province, with a length of 10 kilometers (km), has demobilized the equipment that was supposed to be used in the project because it has allegedly been accumulating losses for about a year,...

Avicultores reclamam de prejuízos de 300 milhões de dólares devido a manifestações

Poultry farmers claim losses of 300 million dollars due to demonstrations

Farmers in the poultry sector are claiming losses of 300 million dollars, following the paralysis of their activities in November and December, due to the post-election demonstrations. The figures were revealed by Yacub Latif, vice-president of Agribusiness, Nutrition and Food Industry at the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), quoted by...

Protestos causam prejuízos de 200 milhões de Meticais à AdRMM

Protests cause losses of 200 million Meticais to AdRMM

The company Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo (AdRMM) claims to have suffered a loss of around 200 million Meticais as a result of its customers refusing to pay for services as part of the post-election protests called by former electoral candidate Venâncio Mondlane. The company claims that the vandalizations compromised the normal supply...

Fronteira de Ressano Garcia reabre o movimento, mas com prejuízos de 6,3 milhões de dólares

Ressano Garcia border reopens, but with losses of 6.3 million dollars

The Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) announced yesterday, Saturday (09), the reopening of the Ressano Garcia border crossing, which had been closed following the vandalization of its infrastructure during the demonstrations last Thursday (07). In an AIM publication, AT spokesman Fernando Tinga said that all the legal conditions had been created for the...

Manifestação à escala nacional: CTA antevê  prejuízos avultados e apela a não adesão

Nationwide demonstration: CTA foresees heavy losses and calls for non-adherence

The CTA - Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique has expressed its opposition to the "proposed general strike" that is due to take place this Monday, October 21. At a press conference held today in Maputo City, the members of the CTA, in addition to considering it a mixture of political issues, repudiated the fact and called on all companies not to...

Empresários dizem estar a registar enormes prejuízos devido à instabilidade no sistema de pagamentos

Entrepreneurs say they are making huge losses due to instability in the payment system

The Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA), the largest employers' organization in the country, believes that instability in the payment and transaction system is creating significant negative impacts on the economy and on the confidence of users of the national financial system, as well as on the business environment. According to the president of the Information Technology and...

Inhambane: Prejuízos causados pela tempestade Filipo à EDM superam 10 milhões de meticais

Inhambane: Damages caused by storm Filipo to EDM exceed 10 million meticais

The public company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) reports an estimated loss of 10 million meticais due to the damage caused by the severe tropical storm "Filipo" as it passed through Inhambane province, in the south of the country. According to EDM, the storm knocked down 73 medium- and low-voltage grid posts, covering a distance of 3.5 kilometers,...

Cabo Delgado: Empresários dizem estar a acumular prejuízos com o recrudescimento dos ataques terroristas

Cabo Delgado: Entrepreneurs say they are accumulating losses with the upsurge in terrorist attacks

Businesspeople in Cabo Delgado, in the north of the country, say they are accumulating losses as a result of the upsurge in terrorist attacks in recent weeks. The warning was given by the president of the Cabo Delgado Business Council. The president of the Cabo Delgado Business Council, Mamudo Irache, stressed that businesspeople in the northern province of the country...

Simango Jr. diz que a LMF deve ter mais lucros que prejuízos no final de cada época futebolística

Simango Jr. says LMF should make more profits than losses at the end of each soccer season

The new president of the Mozambican Football League (LMF), Alberto Simango Júnior, advocates a sustainable institution that makes more profit than losses at the end of each soccer season. According to Simango Júnior, who was speaking moments after taking office as the league's new president, an event that took place last Friday in Maputo to transform the...