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Moçambique e Tanzânia tencionam introduzir serviços de cabotagem

Mozambique and Tanzania plan to introduce cabotage services

Mozambique and Tanzania are considering establishing cabotage services in the two countries' ports. The intention was presented during a conversation yesterday afternoon at the Ponta Vermelha palace between Filipe Nyusi and Hussein Mwinyi, president of the semi-autonomous and insular region of Zanzibar, according to the newspaper "O País". Despite not having...

Volume de carga manuseada nos portos moçambicanos aumentou em 18.6% no primeiro semestre

Volume of cargo handled in Mozambican ports increased by 18.6% in the first half of the year

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) revealed that the volume of cargo handled in Mozambican ports increased by 18.6% by the end of the first half of the year. "Overall, 28,947.6 thousand metric tons were handled compared to 24,399.5 thousand in the same period last year, representing a growth of 18.6%," wrote the MEF in its...