Tag: jeopardize

Home " jeopardize
Alienação da LAM ao SEE agrava risco fiscal e periga a transparência na gestão pública

LAM's sale to SEE aggravates fiscal risk and jeopardizes transparency in public management

The government's sale of Mozambique Airlines (LAM) to the State Business Sector (SEE) could increase fiscal risk and contribute to an increase in the lack of transparency in the management of public affairs, according to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP). Government authorizes HCB, CFM and EMOSE to acquire 91% of state shares...

Gás lacrimogénio fora do prazo usado pela polícia periga a saúde pública

Expired tear gas used by police endangers public health

Mozambique is going through a post-election period marked by deaths, injuries and the use of police force to disperse crowds. On several occasions the police fired tear gas bullets into the crowds, sometimes even into homes. According to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), the tear gas used by the police was expired. The...