Tag: Nampula

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Sociedade civil em Nampula defende a realização de eleições distritais

Civil society in Nampula advocates district elections

Members of civil society based in Nampula province defend the holding of district elections scheduled for 2024. In their opinion, the country is in a position to bear all the costs of the process, which marks the consolidation of the decentralization in force. This position was expressed during a public hearing promoted by the...

Nampula: Agricultores do programa “promove/Agribiz” aguardam certificação dos seus produtos

Nampula: Farmers from the "promove/Agribiz" program await certification of their products

Farmers who are part of the "PROMOVE/Agribiz" program as seed multipliers, implemented by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Fund (FAO), are waiting for their products to be certified. The "PROMOVE/Agribiz" program covers nutrition, biodiversity, trade, energy and transport. The project is funded by the European Union (EU) to the tune of 90 million euros and is...

Nampula: Juízes comunitários em formação

Nampula: Community judges in training

The first training course for community court judges, local authorities and paralegals on human rights in situations of terrorism and violent extremism is taking place in the city of Nampula from June 28 to 30. According to a press release, the course, organized by the Centre for Legal and Judicial Training (CFJJ) in partnership...

Nampula: “Fuga” de professores “preocupa” sector da educação

Nampula: Teacher "flight" "worries" education sector

In Nampula, a growing number of education workers, especially teachers, are leaving the districts to work in the provincial capital. This, according to the Secretary of State in Nampula province, Jaime Neto, means that, for example, teachers who stay in the districts multiply the number of classes they have to teach, thus enabling them to pay...

Recenseamento: Nampula é a província com maior número de ilicitudes eleitorais

Census: Nampula is the province with the highest number of electoral irregularities

Nampula is the province with the highest number of electoral offenses (10) so far, followed by Sofala (three) and Niassa (two), according to an official source from the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM). At a global level, the spokesman for the PRM command, Orlando Mudumane, said, quoted by Noticias, that 18 crimes had already been recorded during this process of...