Tag: Death

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Manifestações pós-eleitorais: CDD acusa polícia de ter matado 65 pessoas

Post-election demonstrations: CDD accuses police of killing 65 people

The Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD), a Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO), has filed a complaint with the Attorney General's Office (PGR) against the General Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique and the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), accusing police officers of having caused the deaths of 65 people. According to...

Brutalmente agredido e ameaçado de morte o Presidente do Conselho Provincial da Ordem dos Advogados

President of the Provincial Council of the Bar Association brutally assaulted and threatened with death

The President of the Provincial Council (CP) of the Mozambican Bar Association (OAM) in Niassa, Celso Mendonça Diogo, was brutally physically assaulted and threatened with death by agents of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) yesterday, Thursday, in the district of Mecanhelas. In a note of repudiation from the OAM representation, the vice-president of CP says that...

Dom Carlos Matsinhe lamenta a morte de E. Dias e P. Guambe e exige investigação minuciosa

Bishop Carlos Matsinhe regrets the deaths of E. Dias and Fr. Guambe and demands a thorough investigation

The president of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Dom Carlos Matsinhe, lamented on Thursday (24) the death of Elvino Dias' lawyer and Podemos party leader, Paulo Guambe, on Friday (18). "I would like, on behalf of the CNE, all its support bodies and myself, to strongly express the repudiation of the...

Venâncio Mondlane diz haver um esquema para o abater após a morte de Dias e Guambe

Venâncio Mondlane says there is a scheme to kill him after the deaths of Dias and Guambe

The presidential candidate of the PODEMOS party, Venâncio Mondlane, has publicly announced that there is an operation launched by the Intelligence Service (SISE) to silence him. According to a post published yesterday (23) on his Facebook social network, hours after the funeral ceremony of his lawyer and legal advisor, Elvino Dias, the PODEMOS presidential candidate reaffirmed the...

Funeral de Dias e Guambe marcado para amanhã e quinta-feira

Dias and Guambe's funeral scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday

The funeral of Elvino Dias, lawyer for presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane, is scheduled for tomorrow at 1pm at the Michafutene Cemetery in Maputo. The funeral ceremonies of the PODEMOS party's representative, Paulo Guambe, will take place in the chapel of Maputo Central Hospital tomorrow, where he will be watched over by party members, friends,...

PODEMOS diz que não se vai intimidar com a morte de Elvino Dias e de Paulo Guambe

PODEMOS says it will not be intimidated by the deaths of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe

The Povo Optimista para o Desenvolvimento de Moçambique (PODEMOS) party, which supports Venâncio Mondlane's presidential candidacy, says it will not be intimidated by the murder of lawyer Elvino Dias and the party's representative, Paulo Guambe. According to the party's president, Albino Forquilha, this death is intended to intimidate PODEMOS from going ahead with the...

“Morte de Elvino Dias visa lançar caos no país e silenciar a luta pela justiça eleitoral”

"Elvino Dias' death aims to create chaos in the country and silence the fight for electoral justice"

The executive director of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD), Adriano Nuvunga, says that the death of Elvino Dias, lawyer for presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane and main legal advisor to CAD/PODEMOS and Paulo Guambe, PODEMOS candidate in the General Elections, is aimed at creating instability in the country for the benefit of a few people. "This death is aimed at creating chaos...

SERNIC confirma a morte do advogado Elvino Dias e do Paulo Guambe

SERNIC confirms the death of lawyer Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe

This morning, the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) confirmed the murder of Elvino Dias, Venâncio Mondlane's lawyer, and Paulo Guambe, a member of the PODEMOS party. According to the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), "there will be a statement on the case in the next few hours". Lawyer Elvino Dias, a well-known defender of human rights cases in Mozambique,...