Tag: Ministry of Economy and Finance

Home " Ministry of Economy and Finance
Stock da dívida directa das empresas públicas cai 1,6%

Public companies' direct debt stock falls 1.61TP3Q

In the first quarter of 2024, the total direct debt stock of Mozambican state-owned companies fell by 1.6% compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, from 39 billion Meticais to 38.4 billion Meticais (from 612.4 million dollars to 603 million dollars at the current exchange rate). According to the...

Max Tonela trava um concurso milionário de consultoria

Max Tonela fights a million-dollar consultancy contest

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Max Tonela, has ordered the cancellation of the controversial, million-dollar consultancy tender for training in the areas of auditing for the Ministry's staff. According to a publication by Carta de Moçambique, citing a reliable source in that government institution, the order to cancel the tender was given days after the...

Dívida das empresas públicas caiu 1,5% no segundo trimestre

Public companies' debt fell by 1.5% in the second quarter

The accumulated value of the debt of the Mozambican State Enterprise Sector (SEE) fell by 1.5% in the second quarter, compared to the previous quarter, to 40.8 billion meticais, according to a government report. In absolute terms, the accumulated value ('stock') of the debt of almost two dozen Mozambican public companies, or companies in which the state has a stake, fell by 646 million meticais...


Ministry of Finance launches BSA Platform for the Insurance Market

The Ministry of Economy and Finance, through the Insurance Supervision Institute of Mozambique, IP (ISSM, IP), is today launching the Bank Supervision Application platform, known as BSA, a web application for the supervision and oversight of banking financial institutions, customized for the insurance sector. A press release to which we have had access states that...

Afinal, Moçambique ainda pode colocar mais 11.728 milhões de meticais em obrigações do Tesouro este ano?

After all, can Mozambique still put another 11,728 million meticais in treasury bonds this year?

Since January, the Mozambican government has placed 24,920 million meticais in Treasury bonds on the stock exchange, with the legal availability to issue a further 11,728 million meticais by the end of the year. Decree 14/2023, issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, states that from January 18, the issue of Treasury bonds (OT)...


Public debt rose to 13 billion in 1st quarter

The stock of Mozambican public debt rose in the first quarter of this year to the equivalent of 14,370 million dollars, according to data from the Ministry of Economy and Finance consulted today by Lusa. This is an increase equivalent to 5.4% compared to the previous period, according to the same official government data. The domestic debt stock...


TSU in audit to correct errors

The Ministry of Economy and Finance says that the data entered in the Single Wage Table (TSU) is being audited, with the aim of identifying anomalies and correcting them. The inspector-general of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Emanuel Mabumo, was quoted by the newspaper O País as saying that by June 10 this year,...