Tag: memorandum of understanding

Home " memorandum of understanding
Moçambique, Malawi e Tanzânia assinam memorando de entendimento para a Gestão Conjunta da Bacia do Rio Rovuma

Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania sign memorandum of understanding for the Joint Management of the Rovuma River Basin

BHOThe countries of the Rovuma River Basin - Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania - signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Dar es Salaam on July 31 in search of stronger cooperation in water management. The MoU will be the reference point for future discussions on cooperation efforts in water management...

EDM oferece estágios profissionais a estudantes bolseiros

EDM offers professional internships to scholarship students

Yesterday morning, March 15, Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P. (EDM) and the Instituto de Bolsas de Estudo, I.P, (IBE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that aims to ensure the award of paid professional internships to recently graduated IBE students, both inside and outside the country. The grant is intended for students in the areas of...

ADE e MCNet assinam memorando de entendimento

ADE and MCNet sign memorandum of understanding

On Thursday, July 20, the National Geospatial Development Agency (ADE) and the Mozambique Community Network (MCNet) signed a memorandum of understanding that provides for collaboration and cooperation in the sharing of knowledge and analysis tools that will improve management systems. This partnership aims to contribute to a better business environment...

Agência Espanhola de Cooperação Internacional e MISAU assinam memorando de entendimento

Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and MISAU sign memorandum of understanding

A memorandum of understanding was signed in Maputo between the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Ministry of Health (MISAU). According to a statement released to MZNews, the agreement will consolidate and continue collaboration in priority areas such as primary care, training in medical specialties, the exchange of...

Formação: Universidade Politécnica estabelece parceria com a Tenderness And Love (TAL)

Training: Polytechnic University establishes partnership with Tenderness And Love (TAL)

The Polytechnic University and the Tenderness And Love Association (TAL) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Maputo, the purpose of which is to formalize the intention and willingness of both institutions to establish forms of mutual cooperation in the areas of training, through educational lectures, joint organization of events, promotion of...


Government and TEBA sign memorandum of understanding

The memorandum of understanding between the Mozambican government and TEBA, on the deferred payment of miners' salaries will only be signed, next May, in Maputo. Teba is the labor recruitment agency for the South African mining industry. The Minister of Labor and Social Security says the memorandum should have been signed,...


Politécnica and EDM ally themselves in the professional development of human capital

The Polytechnic University and the public company Electricidade de Moçambique-EDM signed on Tuesday February 22 in Maputo a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which aims at professional development of human capital and provision of training or consultancy services. The agreement foresees the promotion of professional internships, supply of goods and provision of...


Government and private companies delimit areas for water distribution

The Government signed on Thursday, a memorandum of understanding with the Association of Water Suppliers of Mozambique (AFORAMO) which determines that in places where private operators are operating, the public sector should not intervene. The measure comes in the wake of concerns that had been raised recently by private operators, according to which FIPAG...