Tag: Doctors

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Moçambique ganha mais médicos especializados

Mozambique gains more specialized doctors

Mozambique will now have 40 more specialty doctors to provide services in internal medicine, ophthalmology, maxillofacial surgery, anesthesia and resuscitation, following the completion of the training that took place at Maputo Central Hospital (HCM). The sectors of pathological anatomy, pediatric surgery, dermatology, gynecology and obstetrics, cardiovascular surgery, psychiatry, otorhinolaryngology, pneumology, orthopedics, traumatology, forensic medicine,...

Médicos marcham contra violência, 108 baleamentos e 16 óbitos, e reclamam de pressão nos hospitais  

Doctors march against violence, 108 shootings and 16 deaths, and complain about pressure on hospitals  

The Mozambican Medical Association (AMM) took to the streets today to march in repudiation of the waves of violence resulting from the demonstrations. There have already been 108 shootings and 16 deaths. "On behalf of all health professionals, we want to say enough with the shootings and violence, and that we can unite to save ourselves and get the country out of this...

Médicos suspendem início de greve anunciada para Setembro

Doctors suspend strike announced for September

The Mozambican Medical Association (AMM) has decided to suspend the resumption of the strike that had been scheduled to start in September, as a result of progress in negotiations. AMM intends to give the government more space to meet its demands. According to the doctors, talks with the Executive have made progress, which is why it has decided to suspend the...

MSF admite mais de 700 profissionais de saúde para emergência

MSF admits more than 700 health workers for emergency

This year, the humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has hired more than 700 health professionals to respond to the cholera emergency in the country. Another 500 health technicians from the provinces of Cabo Delgado, Niassa, Nampula, Sofala, Zambézia, Tete, Manica and Maputo have been trained in the fight against cholera since January...

Médicos do HCM pretendem paralisar actividades em horas extraordinárias

HCM doctors plan to stop working overtime

The lack of payment for overtime work, rounds and other activities outside normal working hours could lead resident (post-graduate) doctors at Maputo Central Hospital (HCM) to paralyze their activities. The doctors, whose numbers have not been calculated, have not been paid for more than a year's work in overtime...

Quelimane recebe apoio de médicos de Lisboa para aprimorar serviços de saúde

Quelimane receives support from Lisbon doctors to improve health services

A team of internationally renowned doctors from Lisbon, Portugal, brought hope and expertise to the city of Quelimane. Headed by Dr. Graça Oliveira, a respected paediatrician from the Santa Maria Hospital in Lisbon, and Gonçalves Lobo, a master in Public Health, the team was warmly welcomed by the Quelimane Municipality for an important mission: to improve...

Menor escapa a morte após ver os seus órgãos genitais amputados. Médicos fazem a reconstrução, mas alertam que a criança não vai ter filhos

A child escapes death after having his genitals amputated. Doctors perform reconstruction, but warn that the child will not have children

He is seven years old and in 2020 he underwent complete amputation of his genitals. The doctors are trying to reconstruct it, but there is already one certainty: the little boy's life will never be the same again. This is the second case of amputation of the genitals of a minor, curiously in the same province, Tete, and...