Tag: medicines

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Medicamentos fora do prazo à venda nas clínicas e farmácias de Maputo

Expired medicines on sale in Maputo's clinics and pharmacies

Clinics administer and private pharmacies sell medicines past the expiration date in Maputo province, the provincial Secretary of State (ES) said today in Boane. In addition to undermining the welfare of public health, some identified health units operate illegally, revealed Vitória Diogo. She also raised suspicions of smuggling of exclusive drugs...


Lobbying, millions of dollars and corruption. Pharmaceutical business paralyzes drug imports for more than two years

The supply of medicines to Mozambique has been stagnant for more than two years due to a fight between national companies in the procurement deal, involving 374,847,474.00 million meticais ($5,038,272.50), for the supply of medical supplies to the Ministry of Health (Misau), according to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP). The report reveals...