Tag: Massinga

Home " Massinga
Inhambane: PR inaugura Hospital distrital de Massinga

Inhambane: PR inaugurates Massinga district hospital

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, inaugurated the Massinga District Hospital in Inhambane province on Saturday (05.10). This is an infrastructure built as part of the presidential initiative "One district, one district hospital", says a note from the Presidency of the Republic

Inhambane: Vandalização de um Posto de Transformação deixa 200 famílias sem energia na Massinga

Inhambane: Vandalization of a Transformer Station leaves 200 families without power in Massinga

Around 200 families are without electricity in the district of Massinga, Inhambane province, as a result of the vandalization of a Transformer Station (PT) by unknown individuals. According to a note from the company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), the vandalization consisted of the removal of the cable that feeds the PT, along the...

Ciclone Tropical Freddy deixa cerca de 3.326 clientes de Inhambane sem energia eléctrica

Tropical Cyclone Freddy leaves some 3,326 customers in Inhambane without power

Tropical Cyclone Freddy has left around 3,300 private customers and 26 in the districts of Vilankulo, Inhassouro, Mabote, Massinga and Funhalouro, in Inhambane province, without electricity. A statement from the company Eletricidade de Moçambique (EDM) said that Tropical Cyclone Freddy, which was felt on Friday (24) with its epicenter in the district of...