Tag: Manuel de Araújo

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Manuel de Araújo: Frelimo e Chapo são os maiores beneficiários do Acordo Político para um Diálogo Inclusivo

Manuel de Araújo: Frelimo and Chapo are the biggest beneficiaries of the Political Agreement for an Inclusive Dialogue

The biggest beneficiaries of the terms of reference of the "Political Commitment for an Inclusive Dialogue" are the Frelimo party and Daniel Chapo, the President of the Republic (PR) and the political formation, according to the mayor of Quelimane, in Zambézia, Manuel de Araújo. The document was signed yesterday in Maputo by the PR and ten political parties. And, in...

TPI: Manuel de Araújo promete processar comandante da PRM no tribunal de Haia

ICC: Manuel de Araújo promises to sue PRM commander at court in The Hague

The Mayor of Quelimane, Manuel de Araújo, promised yesterday at the party's political headquarters to submit a criminal complaint against the provincial commander of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique to international bodies. According to the mayor, who has already filed a criminal complaint against the police officer, the way is open for international judicial...

Manuel de Araújo vai representar Quelimane na COP29

Manuel de Araújo to represent Quelimane at COP29

The 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) is being held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22, 2024. This global event brings together world leaders, scientists, international organizations and representatives of civil society to address the most pressing challenges related to climate change and promote concrete solutions for a more...

PRM dispara contra caravana de Manuel de Araújo

PRM fires on Manuel de Araújo's caravan

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) fired lethal bullets and tear gas at a caravan accompanying the mayor of Quelimane, Manuel de Araújo. The police action followed a conversation in the street without consensus with the mayor, after he had been received by residents at the airport. The mayor told the police...

“Ossufo Momade deve sair do quarto e mostrar o seu posicionamento sobre os resultados” – Manuel de Araújo

"Ossufo Momade must come out of his room and show his position on the results" - Manuel de Araújo

Renamo is one of the political parties that gave Frelimo the most headaches, at least until the sixth General Elections, but the results of the ballot held on October 9 show a completely different scenario. Partridge may have had the worst result in history, apparently due to internal disagreements. Regardless...

Manuel de Araújo denuncia fraude à favor da Frelimo na Zambézia

Manuel de Araújo denounces fraud in favor of Frelimo in Zambézia

On Thursday, in the city of Quelimane, the Renamo party's front-runner for governor of Zambezia province, Manuel de Araújo, denounced electoral illegalities orchestrated to benefit the Frelimo party, which he described as a "military coup d'état". In front of journalists, he presented 116 ballot papers in which those filled in favored the ruling Frelimo party....

Zambézia: Secretária provincial da Frelimo e mais dois membros detidos e condenados por de tentativa de fraude eleitoral

Zambézia: Frelimo provincial secretary and two other members arrested and sentenced for attempted electoral fraud

Members of the Frelimo party were arrested, tried and sentenced for attempted electoral fraud in the city of Quelimane, Zambezia province. According to Manuel de Araújo, Renamo's candidate for governor of Zambézia, they are Frelimo's provincial secretary, Frelimo's candidate for member of the Municipal Assembly and another member...

Nova Democracia namora eleitorado para votar em Manuel de Araújo como governador da Zambézia

New Democracy flirts with voting for Manuel de Araújo as governor of Zambézia

The brigades of the New Democracy Party (ND) are fanning out through the neighborhoods of Quelimane in search of votes to ensure the election of the Renamo candidate to the post of governor of Zambézia, in the center of the country. According to the provincial delegate of this political formation, Isac Livro, "the appeal is to strengthen the mechanism for raising awareness of the...