Tag: election manifesto

Home " election manifesto
Frelimo debate hoje manifesto eleitoral

Frelimo debates election manifesto today

The Frelimo Central Committee is debating today at the Party School in Matola the electoral manifesto for the general and provincial elections to be held on October 9. The meeting will be led by the president of Frelimo, Filipe Nyusi, and the "comrades" will debate and approve the proposal for Frelimo's electoral manifesto....

CP da Frelimo aprova proposta do manifesto eleitoral

Frelimo CP approves electoral manifesto proposal

This Tuesday, in Maputo, the Political Commission approved the proposal for Frelimo's electoral manifesto, which will be assessed and approved at the Central Committee meeting. At the same ordinary session, the Party's Political Commission analyzed the degree of preparation for the second extraordinary session of the Central Committee which will take place on Friday at the Frelimo School,...

Frelimo convoca sessão extraordinária do Comité Central para debater o seu manifesto eleitoral

Frelimo convenes extraordinary session of the Central Committee to debate its electoral manifesto

Frelimo's Political Commission (PC) has called for the third extraordinary session of the party's Central Committee (CC) to be held in the city of Matola, Maputo province, on July 19. According to Frelimo spokeswoman Ludomila Maguni, who was speaking at a press conference minutes after the end of the 28th ordinary session of the CP...