Tag: Mancebos

Home " Mancebos
Recenseamento Militar: Defesa supera meta de registo de mancebos

Military census: Defense surpasses goal of registering young men

The Ministry of National Defense (MDN) registered 280,878 young people between January 2nd and February 28th this year, representing a completion rate of 127% compared to what had been planned. Compared to the previous year, there was an increase of 1,70%, when 278,035 young people were registered. Of the total number registered, 177,524 are male and 103,354...

Novos recrutamentos para FADM podem deixar de ser anuais

New FADM recruitments may no longer be annual

The Director of Human Resources at the Ministry of National Defense (MDN) recently said that the next incorporations of young men into the institution may no longer take place annually. This forecast is based on the new Law on Compulsory Military Service, recently approved by Parliament. It provides that new recruits must serve between...