Tag: Malawians

Home " Malawians
Gaza: Retidos malawianos na posse de documentos alheios

Gaza: Malawians detained over possession of other people's documents

Twenty-one Malawian citizens, including a woman, have been detained in Gaza province, caught in possession of someone else's documents. They were on their way to South Africa. Speaking to the newspaper, the spokesperson for the Provincial Migration Directorate in Gaza said that the group was preparing to travel to neighboring South Africa. The source clarified...

Mais de 80 emigrantes ilegais estão retidos na EN7

More than 80 illegal immigrants are stranded on the EN7

In recent months, Mozambique has been a "stage" for the entry of illegal migrants from various countries in Africa, with almost dubious objectives. Last Friday, more than 80 illegal immigrants, all of Malawian nationality, were detained by the Migration authorities in the province of Manica, National Road Number Seven (EN7) informed...

Moçambique já repatriou duzentos imigrantes ilegais

Mozambique has already repatriated two hundred illegal immigrants

The country has 500 illegal emigrants. Of this number, 200 have already been repatriated in the first five months of this year, in Tete. Among those repatriated are Malawians, Bengalis, Ethiopians and Nigerians. The information was advanced during the opening of the auscultation meeting for the prevention and combat of corruption in the migratory service in Tete, which took place in...