Tag: reading

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Tribunal revela hoje a sentença sobre tentativa de assassinato de Nini Satar

Court reveals verdict on attempted murder of Nini Satar today

The sentence for the alleged attempted murder of Momade Assife Abdul Satar "Nini Satar" will be announced today at the Machava "B.O" Maximum Security Prison, where the trial took place. The case took place in February 2023 in one of the halls of that prison where he is serving a 24-year sentence...


Hidden Debts: Judge Postpones Sentencing Date

Judge Efigénio Baptista postponed to November 30, 2022 the date for the reading of the sentences of the defendants in the case of Hidden Debts that should have been known on August 1 next. The postponement results from the complexity of the processes according to STV television this afternoon. And according to Lusa,...


Four out of 100 children cannot read and write

In Mozambique, four out of every 100 children in the third grade of general education do not know how to read and write, a figure that corresponds to 4.5 percent. This is one of the conclusions of a study commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH), which will be released at the World Summit on Education, to be held in...