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Inteligência Artificial: Líderes defendem que “regulamentação excessiva” pode minar desenvolvimento global

Artificial Intelligence: Leaders argue that "excessive regulation" could undermine global development

World leaders argue that over-regulation against excessive intelligence could undermine global development and warn against including developing countries so that inventions do not create inequalities. Paris once again caught the world's attention this week, and it was also the destination of world leaders who traveled to France for the summit...

Combate aos raptos: CTA sugere revisão do estatuto do SERNIC e aposta em IA

Combating kidnappings: CTA suggests revising SERNIC's statute and betting on AI

The President of the Economic Associations of Mozambique - CTA, Agostinho Vuma, suggested, on Thursday (22), in Maputo, strategies to combat kidnappings and abductions, including revising the organic statute of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), creating a specific force and investing in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to the representative...

Inteligência Artificial ajuda a prever riscos e datas de morte

Artificial Intelligence helps predict risks and death dates

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evolving all the time and is equipped with functionalities that until recently would perhaps have been unimaginable. The fact is that, while it has been possible to predict births for some time, even without the use of AI, AI now makes it possible to predict dates of death and the risk of death arising from...

Banco de Moçambique poderá utilizar inteligência artificial para controles de casas-fortes e criar centros privados de processamento de dinheiro

Bank of Mozambique may use artificial intelligence for safe house controls and create private money processing centers

The use of Artificial Intelligence could be a resource to be adopted by the Bank of Mozambique (BM) to provide greater security for its vaults, the Governor of the Central Bank said today. Rogério Zandamela was speaking on Ilha de Moçambique, in Nampula province, during the 4th meeting with branch directors from across the country. O...


The popularization of artificial intelligence will affect professions. "There are always people who will suffer"

Former Google DeepMind Technologies engineer Tiago Ramalho said in an interview with Lusa that "in ten years' time" the world's population will no longer "imagine what life is like without artificial intelligence". The CEO and co-founder of Recursive, a startup based in Japan, believes that as "the field is moving...


Bill Gates Anticipates the End of Internet Surveys

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates foresees the emergence in the near future of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) application that will completely change user behavior and eradicate currently popular tools such as search engines or online stores. According to the billionaire, this AI assistant, which has yet to be developed, will be able to understand...