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Filipe Nyusi visita Niassa

Filipe Nyusi visits Niassa

The President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, is making a working visit to Niassa province today and tomorrow. According to a publication in "Notícias", on this trip Filipe Nyusi will inaugurate the bridge over the Lúrio River, which connects the districts of Nipepe, in Niassa province, and Lalaua, in Nampula. Also...

Maputo conta com a maior fábrica de tijoleira de África

Maputo has Africa's largest tile factory

Since yesterday, Maputo, in the district of Moamba, has had the largest brick and tile factory in the whole of Africa. The inauguration took place yesterday by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. With the start-up of the Safira Mozambique factory, the country will save around 13 million dollars, which...

Maputo recomendado a não pedir refrescos, cafés e inventar falhas de sistema

Maputo recommended not to order refreshments, coffees and invent system failures

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, today recommended that Maputo City Council (CMCM) officials "in suits and ties" refrain from begging and extorting citizens, but rather provide quality services. According to Nyusi, they should refrain from asking for refreshments and coffees, and saying "there is no system", when in fact everything is...


PR inaugurates Citizen's Desk in Maputo

Today, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will lead the inauguration ceremony of the Balcão do Munícipe building in Maputo city, according to a statement issued by the Presidency. According to the statement, the building will house all municipal services, with the aim of facilitating the processing of documents and simplifying the provision of services to...

Filipe Nyusi inaugura abastecimento de água em Dombe

Filipe Nyusi inaugurates water supply in Dombe

The Dombe Administrative Post, in Manica province, has a new water supply system, inaugurated on Wednesday, November 22, by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. With the new system coming into operation, the coverage rate in the district of Sussundenga will rise from the current 69.3% to 71.23%, serving 146,171...

Niassa prevê inaugurar fábrica para processar feijão, avaliada em três milhões de dólares

Niassa plans to inaugurate plant to process beans, valued at three million dollars

Niassa province could have a new bean processing plant later this year. The enterprise is valued at three million dollars. According to Notícias, the owners of the enterprise, who have received financial support from the National Fund for Sustainable Development, have already purchased 80 tons of raw material. The factory will create 30...

LAM prevê obter lucros milionários por cada voo para Portugal e África do Sul

LAM expects to make millions in profits from each flight to Portugal and South Africa

Mozambique Airlines (LAM) will resume flights to Lisbon (in Portugal) and inaugurate a flight to Cape Town (in South Africa) this year, and expects to make millions in "profits" for each trip. According to Sérgio Matos, the Chief Operating Officer of Fly Modern Ark (FMA), the Mozambican company is expected to make...

PR inaugura hoje aeródromo e porto de Mocímboa da Praia

PR inaugurates Mocímboa da Praia airfield and port today

The Mozambican Head of State, Filipe Nyusi, today inaugurated the airfield and port of Mocímboa da Praia, in Cabo Delgado province. The infrastructures were destroyed after attacks carried out by terrorists on the night of August 4, 2020 in the terrorist attacks and have been rehabilitated in recent months. The rehabilitation work on the...

PR dirige cerimónia de inauguração do Centro Cultural Moçambique-China

PR leads inauguration ceremony of Mozambique-China Cultural Center

The President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, will lead the inauguration ceremony of the Mozambique-China Cultural Center and the celebrations of President Samora Machel's 90th birthday, which will take place at 5pm today on the main campus of Eduardo Mondlane University. According to a press release, the Cultural Center is the result of bilateral cooperation...