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Moçambique e Maláui chegam a acordo para implantar postos de fronteira de paragem única

Mozambique and Malawi reach agreement to set up one-stop border posts

The governments of Mozambique and Malawi reached an agreement this Tuesday in the city of Lilongwe for the implementation of one-stop border posts between the two countries. The two states are committed to increasing the flow of commercial activities along the specific corridors they share. The talks between the high commissioners of...

Moçambique busca estratégias brasileiras para implantar indústria de biodiesel

Mozambique seeks Brazilian strategies to set up biodiesel industry

Last week, a Mozambican delegation signed a memorandum with the Brazilian Union of Biodiesel and Biokerosene (Ubrabio) making it possible to share technologies for setting up a biodiesel production industry in Mozambique. Mozambique does not yet produce biodiesel, but it does have a policy of mixing biodiesel and fossil diesel. The country intends to replicate...