Tag: seniors

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Câmaras do STAE não estão a captar imagens de pessoas idosas, com albinismo e deficiências visuais

STAE cameras are not capturing images of the elderly, people with albinism and visual impairments

The cameras of the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) used in the current voter registration process to capture images of potential voters are having technical problems photographing the faces of elderly people, people with albinism and people with visual problems. The STAE justifies the failures by system configuration errors in the devices...


Government guarantees to continue subsidizing transportation for the elderly, disabled and students

The Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala, reiterated this Thursday that the government will continue to pay transport subsidies to three classes of citizens in the country. These are the elderly, students and the disabled, whom Mateus Magala said the government will continue to pay attention to in order to alleviate their suffering. Mateus...