Tag: doctors' strike

Home " doctors' strike
“Greve dos médicos é uma oportunidade para o parlamento legislar sobre serviços mínimos” – ONG

"Doctors' strike is an opportunity for parliament to legislate on minimum services" - NGO

The Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), a non-governmental organization (NGO), says that the doctors' strike that has been taking place since last week, should serve as a signal for parliament to reflect on the need to legislate on matters related to guaranteeing "minimum services" in order to meet society's unforeseeable and unavoidable needs. "A...

Profissionais de saúde prometem assegurar atendimento à população durante a greve dos médicos

Health professionals promise to ensure care to the population during the doctors' strike

The Association of United and Solidary Health Professionals of Mozambique (APSUSM) guarantees that it will ensure that the population is attended to during the doctors' strike, announced for tomorrow, Monday. According to APSUSM spokesperson Rosana Zunguza, the measure comes in solidarity with Mozambicans and the activities will be carried out in strict collaboration with other entities...