Tag: risk management

Home " risk management

Maputo: Magude district government activates disaster risk management committees

The government of Magude district, Maputo province, in the south of the country, has revealed that it has activated the district technical committee and the respective local disaster risk management committees as a way of positioning itself against the threat of the El Nino phenomenon predicted in the 2023-2024 climate forecast. The district has already completed the plan...

Técnicos da região da África Austral discutem gestão de risco em finanças

Technicians from the Southern African region discuss risk management in finance

Technicians from Development Finance Institutions from Southern Africa are meeting from Monday until today, Friday, in Maputo, for a training session on issues related to risk management and good management practices, resource mobilization, integrated investment appraisal, among others. The training, which will be directed to senior level managers...