Tag: Galp Mozambique

Home " Galp Mozambique
Galp entre as melhores empresas para trabalhar em Moçambique

Galp among the best companies to work for in Mozambique

Galp Moçambique has received the "Elite Employer" certification, a recognition that distinguishes the company as an "excellent" place to work in the country. The second edition of the national benefits study indicates that Galp establishes and implements internal benefits, career and well-being policies that contribute to the professional progress of its people...

Galp apoia projecção profissional de jovens moçambicanos com AIESEC

Galp supports professional projection of young Mozambicans with AIESEC

Galp Moçambique recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding linking the company to the International Association of Students in Economic and Business Sciences (AIESEC). The aim is to support AIESEC in carrying out its social impact projects on Mozambican youth, while also bringing the company closer to the young people in society. Among other things, the Memorandum...