Home " FUNAE
Primeiro-ministro desafia nova PCA do FUNAE para acelerar a electrificação rural

Prime Minister challenges FUNAE's new PCA to speed up rural electrification

The Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, on Wednesday (06) challenged the new President of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the National Energy Fund (FUNAE), Isália Dimene, to speed up the connection of electricity to the population living in areas not yet covered by the National Electricity Network (REN), by 2030. Speaking during the inauguration ceremony in...

PCA do FUNAE cessa funções e Isália Dimene é a nova administradora

FUNAE's PCA steps down and Isália Dimene is the new administrator

On Tuesday (27), the government considered and approved a resolution removing Manuela Rebelo from the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Energy Fund (FUNAE) and appointing Isália Deolinda Munguambe Dimene to take her place. Rebelo had been appointed to the post in July 2022, when she was deputy minister...

EDM já electrificou 80% dos Postos Administrativos em todo o país

EDM has already electrified 80% of Administrative Posts across the country

Mozambique has already electrified 80% of its 419 Administrative Posts (PA), which guarantees electricity to 50% of the national population, according to guarantees from the Director of Electrification and Projects at Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), Cláudio Dambe. He said that electricity from the national grid has yet to be brought to 82 PA headquarters, two of which...


FUNAE and JFS Group invest in electrification of health centers in Niassa and Nampula

The National Energy Fund (FUNAE) and the JFS group launched this Wednesday, in Cuamba, the project "Ilumina Saúde", which foresees the electrification of two administrative posts and ten health centers in the provinces of Nampula and Niassa. The project, budgeted at more than 116 million Meticais, will benefit about 2000 families and aims to improve the quality of life of the population.