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Instabilidade política: Moçambique pode perder apoio financeiro por parte dos doadores, alerta a Oxford Economics

Political instability: Mozambique could lose financial support from donors, warns Oxford Economics

Oxford Economics warns that international donors and investors may withdraw financial support to Mozambique if instability continues beyond the first quarter, due to the "oppression" of the government. The demonstrations that followed the announcement of the election results by the National Electoral Commission and which were called by the candidate...

Resultado líquido da HCB, entre Janeiro e Setembro de 2024, atinge 12.919,42 milhões de Meticais

HCB's net profit between January and September 2024 reaches 12,919.42 million Meticais

The net profit of Empresa Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB) between January and September 2024 amounted to 12,919.42 million Meticais, 29.1% and 13.4% higher than budgeted and recorded in the same period of 2023. As a result of this financial performance, according to the HCB press release sent to our newsroom, it is estimated that the net profit by...

Resultados financeiros de HCB atingem 1 504,66 milhões de Meticais no primeiro semestre de 2024

HCB's financial results reach 1,504.66 million Meticais in the first half of 2024

The Financial Results of Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa, SA (HCB) amounted to 1,504.66 million Meticais in the first half of 2024, representing a positive variation of 1,837.3% compared to the same period in 2023. According to HCB's operating and financial performance report, this result derives from income from...


Mobile financial services to reach record value in 2023

The Electronic Money Institutions (EMIs) in the Mozambican market, which operate via cell phone, broke the record for transfers in 2023, with more than 400 million operations, according to data from the Bank of Mozambique. According to the central bank's statistical report, from January to October, EMIs totaled 401,178,582 transfers - 338.5 million transactions...

Diferendos financeiros com a LAM levam companhia aérea Mex a suspender operações em Moçambique

Financial differences with LAM lead Mex airline to suspend operations in Mozambique

The operations of airline Moçambique Expresso (Mex) have been "regrettably" suspended since Thursday of last week (August 31), due to conflicts with state-owned Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM). Citing an internal circular, Lusa (via Notícias ao Minuto) reports that the suspension involves domestic and regional flights. At the service of LAM, de...

Terrorismo: Pessoas singulares e advogados são obrigados a produzir relatórios financeiros

Terrorism: Individuals and lawyers obliged to produce financial reports

The Portuguese Parliament recently unanimously approved the proposal to revise the Law on Preventing and Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. According to Notícias, among the new features of the law is the obligation for natural persons, legal entities without legal personality, non-profit organizations, financial institutions and non-financial entities with...