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Administradora da Cimentos da Beira usa BR falso para aceder a contas da empresa

Cimentos da Beira administrator uses fake BR to access company accounts

The administrator of the Cimentos da Beira company in Sofala province uses a fake Boletim da República (BR) to access company accounts, the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) confirmed on Tuesday. The Administrator was appointed by the Sofala Judicial Court as part of the company's insolvency proceedings, which were decreed in October...

Neutralizado falso médico no Hospital Central de Maputo

Fake doctor neutralized at Maputo Central Hospital

On Tuesday (09), the police of the Republic of Mozambique neutralized and arrested a 24-year-old man who was posing as a doctor at the Adult Emergency Service (SUR-Banco de Socorro) of Maputo Central Hospital. According to a communication from the HCM, the individual, who identified himself as Acácio Júnior Mondlane, Resident Doctor...

Falso agente do SISE investigado por usurpar dinheiro em instituições públicas

Fake SISE agent investigated for usurping money from public institutions

A group of citizens, whose number is still unknown, are using false qualifications to extort money and collect strategic information from public institutions in Sofala province, claiming to be from the State Information and Security Service (SISE). According to "Canal de Moçambique", the money is supposedly being collected to finance intelligence operations....