The government plans to cut total public spending by 0.5 percentage points in 2024, maintaining the pace of "fiscal consolidation", but forecasting a budget deficit of 10.4% of GDP. In the documents supporting the proposal for the Economic and Social Plan of the State Budget (PESOE) for 2024, to which Lusa had access today, the...
Tag: public spending
NGO Oxfam defends tax on the rich in poor countries
More than half of the poorest countries will have to reduce public spending over the next five years due to rising interest on debt, Oxfam has warned, suggesting a wealth tax. In a study published and quoted by Lusa, the humanitarian organization says that currently low- and lower-middle-income countries...
Bank of Mozambique warns that elections will put further pressure on public spending
The Bank of Mozambique says that government spending has been very high in recent months, mainly due to the implementation of the Single Salary Table (TSU). However, until the end of the year, the institution expects pressure on public spending to remain high due to the VI Municipal Elections and beyond,...
Attacks in Cabo Delgado: "We must tackle the underlying causes" - IMF
The director of the African department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Tuesday that it is necessary to address the underlying causes of the conflict in northern Mozambique and not just increase public spending on military spending