Tag: crimes

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HRW acusa Israel de cometer crimes contra humanidade

HRW accuses Israel of committing crimes against humanity

Human Rights Watch yesterday accused Israel of committing crimes against humanity, extermination and even acts of genocide, by intentionally depriving Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip of basic products necessary for survival. According to the organization, the Israeli authorities have intentionally prevented Palestinians in Gaza from accessing drinking water and sanitation...

Raptos: Ministro Ronda “foi infeliz” ao desvalorizar denúncia “emocionada” da comunidade islâmica

Kidnappings: Minister Ronda "unfortunate" to dismiss "emotional" complaint from Islamic community

The Islamic community is accusing some "high-ranking" members of the government of colluding with kidnapping syndicates in the country. Interior Minister Pascoal Ronda challenged the community to provide proof, and called the accusation "emotional". In reaction to Ronda's reading and proposals, the former president of the Portuguese Bar Association...

Manuel Chang pode ser condenado a 30 anos de prisão

Manuel Chang could be sentenced to 30 years in prison

Former Finance Minister Manuel Chang is being held in the United States on charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and involvement in a money laundering scheme. The financial default damaged the Mozambican state by more than 2.7 billion US dollars. Manuel Chang's trial was scheduled to begin on...

Ministro do Interior pede penas severas para sequestro

Interior Minister calls for harsh penalties for kidnapping

Interior Minister Pascoal Ronda has called for the adoption of a strict penal framework for kidnapping crimes, which he says are related to cybercrime and money laundering. The wave of kidnappings, mainly of businesspeople of Asian origin, has been going on in Maputo, Matola and other cities in the country since 2011....

Sector privado passa a gerir activos de origem ilicíta apreendidos pelo Estado

Private sector to manage illicit assets seized by the state

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), through the Asset Management Office, has launched a public tender for the selection and hiring of a company specializing in rental management, control, custody and conservation of real estate. The aim is for the private sector to manage assets of illicit origin...

Governo garante continuar a dar prioridade à formação de magistrados face aos novos tipos de crimes

Government guarantees to continue giving priority to training magistrates in the face of new types of crime

The government says it will continue to prioritize the training of magistrates and other players in the justice sector in order to respond fully to new challenges, especially terrorism, transnational crime, maritime crime, economic-financial crime, cybercrime and crime against wildlife and biodiversity. The guarantee was given by the Minister for Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs, Helena...

PGR suspeita de existência de deputados que conhecem os barões de drogas

PGR suspects there are deputies who know drug lords

The Attorney General of the Republic, Beatriz Buchili, suspects that there are deputies in the Assembly of the Republic who know the identity of the main principals in drug trafficking, and is therefore calling for them to be denounced. "In your speeches, some distinguished deputies have hinted that they know the principals, some of whom are white collar," she said. She regrets the fact that...

Processos de crime de corrupção reduzem em 21%

Corruption cases reduced by 21%

The Attorney General of the Republic, Beatriz Buchili, revealed today in the Assembly of the Republic that last year the Public Prosecutor's Office registered 1,349 cases of corruption crimes, representing a reduction of 290 cases (21%) compared to 2022, when it registered 1,639 cases. A total of 1,374 cases were closed, 966 were indicted, 408 were closed and 622 were carried over...

Ministério Público acusa dois cidadãos de crimes terroristas

Public Prosecutor's Office charges two citizens with terrorist crimes

The Central Office for Combating Organized and Transnational Crime (GCCCOT) has opened criminal proceedings against two nationals accused of terrorist crimes in Cabo Delgado province. The accused were picked up by the police authorities after being caught in March last year, in the town of Mocímboa da Praia, in possession of...