Tag: growth

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Economia moçambicana cresceu 3,68% no terceiro trimestre

Mozambican economy grew 3.68% in the third quarter

The Mozambican economy grew by 3.68% in the third quarter of 2024, driven by the mining industry. The data is contained in a report released by the National Statistics Institute (INE) and the Bank of Mozambique (BdM). According to the document, Gross Domestic Product at market prices showed a positive...

Manifestações: Crescimento económico pode ser revisto em baixa, segundo PR

Demonstrations: Economic growth may be revised downwards, according to PR

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said yesterday that the damage caused by the demonstrations in protest at the election results could lead to a downward revision of this year's estimated economic growth of 5.5%. Nyusi, who was speaking to the nation in the context of the post-election demonstrations, highlighted the shortage of food products that is triggering inflation and...

Turismo na província de Gaza registou crescimento de 55% no primeiro semestre

Tourism in Gaza province grew by 55% in the first half of the year

Investment in the tourism sector in Gaza province, southern Mozambique, grew by 55% in the first half of this year, with more than 111 million meticais invested in the construction of various tourist infrastructures. According to the provincial director of Culture and Tourism, Maria Emília Mapsanganhe, who was speaking on Rádio Moçambique, as a result of these investments, the...

Presidente da República diz que a expansão de energia acelera crescimento da economia

President of the Republic says energy expansion accelerates economic growth

The President of the Republic says that the electrification of special economic zones or administrative posts is helping to accelerate the economic growth of communities and boost tourism, thereby reducing operating costs. Speaking yesterday, Thursday (01), during the inauguration of the photovoltaic plant at the Bazaruto administrative post, in the...

FMI revê em alta crescimento da economia mundial em 2025

IMF revises world economic growth upwards for 2025

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has slightly revised upwards the growth of the world economy to 3.3% in 2025, but warns of the risks that high inflation will keep interest rates high for longer. For this year, the institution is maintaining its forecast of global economic growth of 3.2, according to the update to the World...

FMI prevê um crescimento económico de 4,3% em 2024

IMF forecasts economic growth of 4.3% in 2024

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts growth of 4.3% in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Mozambique this year, compared to 5.4% in 2023. As for the stock of public debt, the IMF said in a statement released recently that it should grow to 97.5% of GDP, compared to 93.9% last year. Inflation is expected to fall to 3.6%...