Tag: compensation

Home " compensation
Sector privado sugere compensação da dívida do Estado em obrigações fiscais

Private sector suggests offsetting state debt in tax bonds

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), the country's largest employers' organization, suggested this Wednesday (13) that the State's debt to suppliers should be offset against tax obligations. The position was defended during a meeting between the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Tax Policy, Customs and International Trade...

Governo garante que transportadores informais serão abrangidos pelo subsídio

Government guarantees that informal transporters will be covered by the subsidy

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) will include both for the user subsidy as well as for compensation to formal and informal carriers, we learned from a source close to the process. The "Notícias Online" source assured, however, that the informal ones are to be formalized. "We are working in that direction, we need to bring the informal ones to...