Tag: Beira

Home " Beira
PGR abre processo-crime contra 13 agentes da polícia

PGR opens criminal proceedings against 13 police officers

Mozambique's Attorney General's Office (PGR) has opened criminal proceedings against 13 police officers in the city of Beira for torturing an alleged criminal to death. According to the PGR's spokesman, Joaquim Tomo, quoted by the newspaper "O País", the police officers tortured the alleged criminal, named Tomás Evaristo, until...

Beira: Detido cidadão por branqueamento de capitais

Beira: Citizen arrested for money laundering

One of the main partners of a Chinese smuggler who has been wanted by the Mozambican justice system for more than three years has been arrested in the city of Beira, Sofala province. According to a report in the newspaper "O País", the Chinese man is accused of money laundering, financing terrorism, tax fraud, falsifying documents and environmental crimes....

Beira: Empresários debatem oportunidades de investimento na cadeia de infra-estruturas logísticas

Beira: Entrepreneurs discuss investment opportunities in the logistics infrastructure chain

The city of Beira, the provincial capital of Sofala, is hosting a logistics and trade conference on Wednesday (11), organized by Standard Bank with the aim of exploring the potential and investment opportunities in the central region of the country, as well as in the hinterland countries. The event is part of the celebrations for the 130th anniversary of Standard...

Cidades da Beira e Dondo com restrições de água

Beira and Dondo cities with water restrictions

The cities of Beira and Dondo have had water restrictions since dawn yesterday, March 14, due to an electrical fault at the Mútua Water Treatment Plant. The information is provided by AdRC, Águas da Região do Centro, SA, in a statement to which we have had access. At the moment, it reads...

Beira: Albano Carige promete ser implacável no caso de incumprimento de metas

Beira: Albano Carige promises to be ruthless if targets are not met

The mayor of Beira, the capital of Sofala province, Albano Carige, who was re-elected in the local elections of October 11 last year, has appointed new councillors and directors of various departments, but has threatened to dismiss them immediately if they fail to fulfill the purposes for which they were appointed. Carige made this demand on Saturday (10),...

Beira: Antigos trabalhadores dos transportes públicos continuam sem indemnizações há cinco anos

Beira: Former public transport workers still haven't received compensation for five years

Dozens of former workers from the now defunct Beira Public Transport Company (TPB), now known as Beira Municipal Transport (TMB), rioted on Tuesday morning in front of the Beira Municipal Council (CMB) building, in the Mozambican province of Sofala, to demand payment of the compensation they have been waiting for for five years. The demonstrators, who are contesting the...