Tag: banks

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Falha na Microsoft provoca interrupções em bancos e companhias aéreas a nível mundial

Microsoft flaw causes worldwide bank and airline outages

Around the world, several companies such as banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, radio and television broadcasters and supermarkets went offline this Friday (19) after experiencing a failure in their Windows services offered by Microsoft. Our sources point to no problems in Africa. MZNews contacted Mozambique Airlines and...

Actores do sistema bancário investigam causas das falhas nas transacções

Banking system players investigate causes of transaction failures

The Governor of the Bank of Mozambique said a few days ago that different players in the banking system are investigating the causes of the failures in electronic transactions in the country. Rogério Zandamela says that the work will enable a better understanding of the difficulties that customers have faced in carrying out transactions, as this is the only way to...

Banco de Moçambique caça operações suspeitas em bancos comerciais

Bank of Mozambique hunts down suspicious operations at commercial banks

The Bank of Mozambique (BM) is said to have "infiltrated" supervisors in banks in the Mozambican financial market where their respective administrators are suspected of being involved in the laundering of more than 330 million dollars. 48 million meticais proposed for magistrates not to arrest ringleaders in the laundering of more than 330 million dollars The Central Bank of Mozambique...

​Falhas nos bancos: Banco de Moçambique atira responsabilidade aos bancos comercias

Bank failures: Bank of Mozambique blames commercial banks

Time and time again, commercial banks in the Mozambican market have registered anomalies in the services provided to their customers. The situation has become increasingly entrenched in recent months. The banking constraints occur cyclically and are covered by the press when, for consecutive days, it is not even possible to withdraw, deposit or transfer money. A...

BdM: Número de queixas contra bancos moçambicanos duplicou no segundo semestre de 2023

BdM: Number of complaints against Mozambican banks doubled in the second half of 2023

The number of complaints against Mozambican banks doubled in the second half of 2023, from 349 in the previous period to 741. The data is contained in a note released by the central bank last Friday and which MZNews had access to, stressing that Banco Comercial e de Investimentos (BCI), controlled by the Caixa Geral...

Bancos prevêem que o crescimento económico global desça no próximo ano

Banks expect global economic growth to fall next year

Some of the biggest global banks estimate that in 2024 economic growth will slow even more, pressured by high interest rates, higher energy prices and a slowdown in two of the world's largest economies, according to 'Reuters'. According to a 'Reuters' survey, quoted by the newspaper Económico, this year's...

Empresa britânica que explorava algodão deixa dívida em quatro bancos

British cotton company leaves debt in four banks

The notice from the Cabo Delgado Judicial Court dated April 5 appears two and a half months later in Notícias, Mozambique's main daily newspaper, after the government announced in May that it was looking for investors to take over the cotton fields. The court asks "creditors not nominated by the debtor" to present...


Economists consider rise in bank reserves "harmful"

Economists today considered the central bank's decision to increase reserve requirements to be "harmful" for companies, pointing out that the measure "won't solve" the inflation spiral because this "variable" is conditioned by "structural problems". "It means that [companies] are going to pay their debts at a much higher cost" and this measure...