Tag: authorities

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Zambézia: Autoridades apreendem bebida alcoólica avaliada em mais de um milhão de meticais

Zambézia: Authorities seize alcoholic beverage worth more than one million meticais

The Tax Authority (AT) recently seized 669 cases of alcoholic drinks, valued at just over 1.1 million meticais, in Zambézia province, in the center of the country. According to information provided on Friday in Quelimane by the Operational Director of the Tax Area, Mário Jorge, the seizure was the result of a joint operational activity between the AT and...

Yango diz estar preocupada com as denúncias sobre os seus serviços e remete caso às autoridades

Yango says she is concerned about the complaints about her services and is referring the case to the authorities

Yango, an international digital cab company, says it has received with some concern reports made by users in Maputo about alleged harassment, attempted rape and assault involving drivers associated with the platform. In a statement released this Thursday, the company promises to reinforce security measures in order to protect customers who...

Autoridades desenterram corpo de vítima de rapto ocorrido há um ano

Authorities unearth body of kidnap victim from a year ago

The Central Office for Combating Organized Crime has identified and dug up the body of a kidnap victim from a year ago in Maputo city. Since Munawar Ahmed Ali was kidnapped by strangers in broad daylight on October 3, 2022, on Avenida Albert Lithuli in the Mozambican capital, he has never been...

Maputo: Autoridades incineram 76 quilogramas de soruma em Matutuíne

Maputo: Authorities incinerate 76 kilograms of soruma in Matutuíne

A few days ago, the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) incinerated around 76 kilograms of "cannabis sativa", known as soruma, in the locality of Missevene, administrative post of Bela Vista, in the district of Matutuíne, Maputo province. The quantity of drugs, according to SERNIC spokesman Henrique Mendes, was seized during various operations carried out in the...

cólera em Nacala Porto

"Cholera outbreak already under control in five districts of Sofala," say authorities

The health authorities in Sofala say that the cholera situation, which has been ravaging five districts of the province since the end of last year, is now under control. According to the provincial director of Health in Sofala, Neusa Joel, who was speaking during a visit by the president of the provincial assembly, by Monday the province had a cumulative...

Autoridades identificam focos de tráfico de drogas em Nacala

Authorities identify drug trafficking hotspots in Nacala

A multi-sector team made up of technicians from the Maritime Administration, members of the Lake and River Police and the Navy in Nacala, Nampula, has just identified drug trafficking hotspots, including the actors involved, and promises to release the results of the operation in the near future. A report in the newspaper Notícias states that the...

Autoridades negam a falta de alimentos e de insulina no HCM

Authorities deny lack of food and insulin in HCM

The director of Maputo Central Hospital (HCM), Mouzinho Saide, denied rumors that the facility is facing a shortage of food and insulin. "It's not true that there is a shortage of food for patients. We try to serve food according to the calories each patient needs to consume. Maybe there is...