Tag: authorities

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Manica: Imigrantes ilegais interpelados pelas autoridades

Manica: Illegal immigrants questioned by authorities

Fifty-nine foreign citizens who were residing illegally in Manica province were questioned last September as part of the migration authorities' enforcement campaign. Of this number, five were repatriated to their countries of origin and the rest were fined, according to Rádio Moçambique. The spokesman...

Província de Maputo: Aumentam casos de sarna na Matola

Maputo province: Scabies cases increase in Matola

The health authorities in Maputo province are on high alert due to an increase in cases of scabies in the district of Matola. The disease is mainly affecting children, with rapid transmission among minors, writes Rádio Moçambique. The district health director in Matola, Amélia Tembe, explains that there is an urgent need for...

Autoridades detectam anomalias na calibragem de bombas de combustível em Marracuene

Authorities detect anomalies in the calibration of fuel pumps in Marracuene

The Municipal Council of Marracuene, in Maputo province, has ordered the calibration of fuel pumps to avoid anomalies in sales to consumers. According to a publication by Rádio Moçambique, a team made up of technicians from the municipality and the National Institute for Standardization and Quality identified some imbalances at three petrol stations in the municipal town....

Autoridades detém cidadão somali por falsificação de documentos em Gaza

Authorities arrest Somali national for forging documents in Gaza

A Somali national is being held accountable by the National Migration Service (SENAMI) in Gaza, southern Mozambique, for possessing a fraudulently issued identity card in the Limpopo district, through which he intended to obtain a passport. According to SENAMI, a national citizen is also being held in connection with the case, accused of having...

Autoridades investigam caso de poluição ambiental envolvendo a mineradora Vulcan em Moatize

Authorities investigate environmental pollution case involving Vulcan mining company in Moatize

The National Agency for the Control of Environmental Quality (AQUA) has announced that it is investigating, in collaboration with the Attorney General's Office (PGR), the case of environmental pollution denounced by the community, involving the Indian mining company Vulcan, which exploits coal in the Moatize mine, in the province of Tete, central Mozambique. According to the legal officer of the...

Frelimo insta as autoridades para aperfeiçoar mecanismos de busca de soluções face aos raptos

Frelimo urges authorities to improve mechanisms for finding solutions to kidnappings

Frelimo, Mozambique's ruling party, has reiterated, through its Political Commission, its deep concern about the kidnappings that are plaguing Mozambican cities, with a greater incidence in the country's capital, Maputo. Speaking yesterday, Friday (02), in Maputo, after the 31st ordinary session of the Political Commission, the deliberative body in the...

Tete: Mais de 300 imigrantes neutralizados pelas autoridades

Tete: More than 300 immigrants neutralized by authorities

The police authorities have neutralized three hundred and twenty-two citizens of various nationalities in Tete province who were trying to cross into the country. Of the advanced number, ninety-eight are of Malawian nationality, thirty-six Zambians and thirty-eight Zambians, questioned in the districts that share the border, according to Rádio Moçambique.....

Autoridades prometem investigar as causas e responsáveis do acidente de Florindo Nyusi

Authorities promise to investigate the causes and perpetrators of Florindo Nyusi's accident

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), in Maputo city, have already confirmed the road accident that occurred yesterday, Friday, caused by the son of the President of the Republic, Florindo Nyusi. According to PRM spokesman Leonel Muchina, Florindo Nyusi was driving a Mercedes Benz and crashed into another car belonging to a...

HIV/SIDA : Mortes reduziram em 10% em 2023

HIV/AIDS : Deaths reduced by 10% in 2023

Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS were reduced by 10.2% in 2023, meaning that Mozambique registered 44,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS in 2023. The information is contained in a report by the National Council for Combating AIDS (CNCS). In terms of infections, the document states that in 2023 the country recorded 81,000 new infections, of which 31,000...