Tag: Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of Mozambique (APME)

Home " Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of Mozambique (APME)

Hydrocarbons: Indian companies to invest USD 13 billion

Three Indian companies are going to invest 13 billion dollars in the hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation project in Area 1 of the Rovuma Basin, which corresponds to 30% of the overall investment in the mega-project operated by Total Energies. According to the newspaper Notícias, which quotes the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Carlos Zacarias, there is already...

MPMEs desafiadas a apostar na capacitação para atenderem à demanda das indústrias

MSMEs challenged to invest in training to meet the demand from industries

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME's) in Mozambique should invest in the technical training of their human capital to be better prepared to meet the challenges imposed by the industrial sector. This position was defended by three panelists from institutions that promote and defend the MSME's that participated, on Tuesday, in Marracuene, in the first of four meetings that took place in the...