Tag: murdered

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Advogado de Venâncio Mondlane assassinado à queima roupa

Venâncio Mondlane's lawyer murdered at close range

Lawyer Elvino Dias, a legal advisor to Venâncio Mondlane and CAD/PODEMOS, was murdered at point-blank range this morning by unknown assailants on a public road. Elvino Dias was riddled with bullets on Avenida Joaquim Chissano, in the Primavera neighborhood of Malhangalene, on the outskirts of Maputo. Along with Elvino Dias, Paulo Guambe,...

Zambézia: Assassinado brigadista do recenseamento eleitoral no distrito de Gilé

Zambézia: Voter registration brigade worker murdered in Gilé district

A brigade member involved in voter registration was murdered in the early hours of this morning in the district of Gilé, in the north of Zambezia province. According to a report in the newspaper Notícias, the head of Public Relations at the Provincial Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) in Zambézia, Miguel Caetano, confirmed moments ago that the brigade member had been stabbed to death and...

Membro da Assembleia Municipal assassinado e seu corpo carbonizado

Member of the Municipal Assembly murdered and his body charred

Celeste Mucaunha was murdered two days after she was sworn in as a member of the Quelimane Municipal Assembly by the Frelimo party. The Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) are still unaware of the reasons for the murder, but promise to make a statement as soon as they have significant information about the case. Meanwhile, according to family reports, the victim left the...

Agente de segurança privada assassinado por disputa de bens furtados

Private security agent murdered over stolen goods dispute

Two individuals lured a private security guard, a friend of theirs, into stealing from the establishment where he worked in Maputo city. During the division of the goods, the duo felt wronged and chose to murder the guard and throw his body in a drainage ditch. The murder of the private security guard took place...