Tag: Africans

Home " Africans
Costa de Marfim: Jornalistas africanos debatem justiça climática no continente

Ivory Coast: African journalists debate climate justice on the continent

Journalists from 30 African countries, including Mozambique, have been debating the importance of the media in promoting a common African narrative for the establishment of climate justice since Wednesday in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The journalists intend to define common actions aimed at establishing a common agenda for climate justice on the continent, including...

Moçambique conquista seis medalhas nos jogos Africanos de Acra

Mozambique wins six medals at the African Games in Accra

Mozambique finished its participation in the 13th edition of the African Games with a total of six medals, five of which were silver and one bronze. Boxing won the most medals, three silver and one bronze, through the boxers Alcinda Panguana, Isabel Mulungo, Armando Sigaúque and Rady Gramane....

IFC quer financiar mais países lusófonos africanos

IFC wants to finance more Portuguese-speaking African countries

The International Finance Corporation, an institution of the World Bank, wants to increase the volume of financing in Portuguese-speaking countries, as part of the institution's commitment to projects on the continent, said the vice-president of the institution. In an interview with Lusa, Sérgio Pimenta explained that "Africa is a priority for the International Finance Corporation (IFC), namely...

Moçambique deixa hoje a presidência da Associação dos Serviços Correccionais Africanos

Mozambique leaves the chairmanship of the African Correctional Services Association today

Today, Friday, Mozambique will hand over the presidency of the African Correctional Services Association (ACSA). The act will take place during the closing ceremony of the association's meeting, which has been taking place since Monday in Dakar, Senegal. The event, which brings together more than 400 participants, aims to reflect on improving the conditions of internment in prisons in Africa and to propose...


More Africans are investing in innovation businesses, says UNESCO

A recently published study by the UN Educational, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) says that one in four African entrepreneurs have created innovative businesses. The research involved 10 African countries, including Mozambique in an analysis that covered more than 400 women from the continent. In Mozambique the study cites the story of entrepreneur, Jéssica Manhiça who is founder...