The former President of the Republic, Joaquim Chissano, considered on Thursday (15) in Maputo that the trial of the former Finance Minister, Manuel Chang, would have been beneficial for the Mozambican nation if it had taken place in Mozambique, as it did for others involved in the Hidden Debts case.
"The United States of America judged Manuel Chang from the perspective of American interests. He was convicted. We can't judge whether that trial was correct or not. The lawyers there did what they could and he was convicted. I think it would have been more of a lesson if the trial had taken place in Mozambique, like the conviction of the others in the same case", he said, quoted by STV.
For Chissano, through Chang's trial in Maputo, other Mozambican citizens would know better what postures to adopt in the management of public affairs.
He agrees that the conviction of the former minister is exemplary, but argues that the country's good image must be demonstrated by the country itself.
"The good image must be brought by us, the Mozambicans, knowing how to work together so that corruption is defeated," he said, noting that it is important to note the various facets of corruption.
Manuel Chang is a prominent member of the Frelimo party, and Chissano recognizes the existence of criminals within the political formation, which is why he advocates purifying the ranks. "They must be fought. If there are any, the same measures must be taken as for a criminal."
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