Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa promulgates decree on euthanasia

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa promulga decreto sobre a eutanásia

The President of the Republic of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, promulgated this Tuesday the decree on euthanasiaafter it was confirmed by Parliament on Friday, following its political veto.

"On May 12, the Assembly of the Republic confirmed the new version of the law on medically assisted death by an absolute majority of the deputies in office, and the President of the Republic has therefore promulgated Decree no. 43/XV, of the Assembly of the Republic, as he is obliged to do under the terms of article 136, no. 2 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic," reads the note published by the Presidency.

According to SIC Notícias, the decree, which the Portuguese head of state had vetoed on April 29, was confirmed on Friday and sent that same day to the Palace of Belém for promulgation.

It had 129 votes in favor, from the majority of PS MPs, the Liberal Initiative and Left Bloc benches and the single PAN and Livre MPs, 81 votes against, from the majority of PSD MPs and the Chega and PCP benches, and there was one Social Democrat MP who abstained.

Thus, under the terms of the Constitution, in the event of a veto of a decree, "if the Assembly of the Republic confirms the vote by an absolute majority of the deputies in office, the President of the Republic of Portugal must promulgate the decree within eight days of receiving it".

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