The national telenovela "Maida" and the series "a Infiltrada", two fictions produced by Mozambicans and shown exclusively on the Maningue Magic channel, have been nominated for the 9th edition of the prestigious Africa Magic Viewer's Choice Awards (AMVCA).
This is an initiative that recognizes and celebrates outstanding performances in African television and cinema in various genres. The list of nominees was announced on April 16.
According to the "Evidencias" portal, as well as participating with "a Infiltrada" and "Maida", Mozambique is also represented by the film "A Quiet Intruder" - produced by Mozambican Nelson Faquirá, one of the young graduates of the MultiChoice Talent Factory.
The series "Infiltrada" portrays the life of Nhelety Langa, a young woman who is preparing to work for a reputable firm in Maputo when her mother is wanted and arrested for a crime committed by Grandiosa Cossa, a rich and powerful woman married to a renowned architect. The series was launched on Maningue Magic on October 23, 2022 and is currently in the final stretch of its second season.
Meanwhile, the telenovela "Maida" is the first telenovela to be shown in prime time with new episodes consecutively from Monday to Friday since January 17, 2022 and which completed its 300th episode in March.
"Infiltrada" has been nominated for best original drama series, Maida is up for best original telenovela and "A Quiet Intruder" is entered in the MultiChoice Talent Factory's best film category. This is the first time that locally produced content has participated in the AMVCAs awards.
The awards gala is scheduled for May 20th.
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