Flooding causes four deaths in Maputo province

Yesterday's floods in Maputo province caused four deaths, three in Boane and one in a suburb of the country's capital, government authorities said.

"We have a record of three deaths" reported by community leaders, announced Jacinto Loureiro, mayor of Boane, 30 kilometers southwest of Maputo.

One of the deaths was caused by electrocution, while the other two were children, one hit by the wall of a house that collapsed and the other a victim of drowning, he said, quoted by the Lusa news agency.

Another child drowned in the T3 neighborhood on the outskirts of Maputo, Paulo Tomás, spokesman for the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD), told Televisão de Moçambique (TVM).

Still in Boane, the damage is enormous. Part of the municipality is submerged due to the rising river flows, a car was swept away by the water when it tried to cross a bridge and the authorities are trying to find the driver's whereabouts.

According to the latest INGD figures, there are around 2,700 families affected, with homes flooded or besieged by water in Maputo province, as well as damage to various infrastructures such as roads, schools and health facilities, reports the Lusa news agency.

Flooding is a recurrent occurrence at this time of year in Mozambique, which is in the middle of the rainy season, but even so, rainfall has been higher than expected.

The rainfall today and Wednesday exceeded 170 millimeters, which is more than the estimated average for the whole of February in the capital region, according to the National Meteorological Institute.

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