Mozambican specialists say they are indignant that the country, which will soon start receiving the first revenues from the exploration of liquefied natural gas in Cabo Delgado, does not yet have a sovereign fund capable of guaranteeing the transparent management of these resources.
Mozambique expects to make its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) export to Europe this month, from the Coral Sul floating platform, operated by the Italian Eni.
Sociologist and political analyst Moisés Mabunda told VOA that Mozambicans should already have "clarity about the sovereign wealth fund, what its purpose is, and where it is going to be, but they don't know anything at all.
In his turn, the political analyst Ilídio de Sousa argues that it is necessary to "guarantee transparency and a rational management in both the collection and the investment of resources from the sovereign fund, as other countries have done, especially Norway.
For Hilário Chacate, also a political analyst, it is necessary to "learn from the mistakes of the past, especially the management of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS).
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Max Tonela, says that the proposal to create a sovereign wealth fund based on natural resource revenues should be approved by the end of this year.
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