Over 400 million meticais found hidden in cell phone store

Descobertos mais de 400 milhões de meticais escondidos em loja de telemóveis

A multi-sector brigade composed of the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM), the National Inspection of Economic Activities (INAE), and the Mozambique Tax Authority (AT) found, this Wednesday, more than 400 million meticais hidden in a store selling cell phones in Maputo city.

The establishment is owned by a citizen of Asian origin, who is currently on the run.

Without giving any details, a source close to the owner of the store, who was present at the scene, confirmed the absence of the store owner.

An official from the Mozambican Tax Authority, involved in the operation, said that the origin of the money is still to be determined, and that the authorities may give more details in the coming days.

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