Category: Technology & Innovation

Moçambique inicia tributação de comércio digital

Mozambique starts taxing digital commerce

This semester, the Tax Authority (AT) will begin a pilot phase to tax commercial transactions carried out through digital channels, in order to improve the control of income generated in Mozambique. According to Amorim Ambasse, coordinator of the AT's Digital Economy Taxation Unit (UTED), the idea is also to create mechanisms for...

Executivo propõe Lei sobre compra e o uso de meios aéreos de captação de imagens para fins civis

Executive proposes Law on the purchase and use of aerial imaging means for civilian purposes

Mozambique may create a legal regime to regulate the purchase and use of aerial technological equipment used for civilian purposes such as capturing images. As the spokesperson for the Council of Ministers said earlier this afternoon, "the draft law establishes the legal regime for aerial surveys and cinematography for civilian purposes....

Nome e logótipo da rede social Twitter poderá ser alterado

Name and logo of social network Twitter may be changed

The multi-millionaire entrepreneur and owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, is considering changing the brand name and logo of the social network, known for its tiny blue bird. In a statement released on Saturday, Elon Musk said that "soon we will say goodbye to the Twitter brand and, gradually, to all the birds". However, the owner did not say what it will be...