Category: Special Elections

CC notifica CNE actas e editais originais de sete províncias, no prazo de oito dias

CC notifies CNE of original minutes and edicts from seven provinces within eight days

The Constitutional Council (CC), in its capacity as an electoral court, has ordered the National Electoral Commission (CNE) to send the original minutes and notices from seven provinces relating to the October 9 general elections within eight days. These are documents from the tabulations at the polling stations, districts and provinces in Maputo city...

À guarita policial, Governo e empresários encorajam funcionamento das instituições durante marchas

At the police guardhouse, government and businesspeople encourage the functioning of institutions during marches

The government and the Mozambican business community are urging public and private sector workers to go to their usual places of work on the days announced for the march. "We encourage the private sector to convey this message to workers. As a government, particularly in the economic area, we encourage companies, public institutions and workers to remain active...

Ossufo Momade pode perder 71 milhões de meticais e a Renamo inúmeros poderes

Ossufo Momade could lose 71 million meticais and Renamo could lose countless powers

Renamo President Ossufo Momade could lose benefits worth 71 million meticais a year if his party loses its position as the second most voted member of parliament. The political formation could also see its powers of legislative influence, such as appointing the second vice-president of the Assembly of the Republic, appointing judges...

PODEMOS diz que a terceira fase das manifestações conta com apoio dos outros partidos da oposição

PODEMOS says the third phase of the demonstrations has the support of the other opposition parties

The Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique (Podemos) PODEMOS, which supports the presidential candidacy of Venâncio Mondlane, assures that it will not go alone to the third phase of protests scheduled to begin this Thursday, against the election results announced by the National Electoral Commission (CNE). In a DW publication, PODEMOS spokesman Pires Eugénio...

Polícia disparou com possível intenção de matar manifestantes

Police fired with possible intention of killing protesters

The president of the Mozambican Medical Association (AMM), Napoleão Viola, said yesterday that there is a "clairvoyant" possibility that the police force deployed to repel demonstrations in the country fired with the intention of taking the lives of the demonstrators. This is the "conclusion" of a technical reading by doctors after witnessing the entry of patients wounded by bullets from...

OAM atribui à CNE e ao STAE a responsabilidade pelas convulsões sociais

OAM blames CNE and STAE for social unrest

The Mozambican Bar Association (OAM) believes that the current socio-political situation in the country is the responsibility of the National Electoral Commission (CNE) and the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) for failing to act in accordance with the law when it comes to investigating electoral offenses. "This lack of transparency on the part of the...