Author: Salvador Baloi (Salvador Baloi)

Venâncio Mondlane vai anunciar medidas governativas para os primeiros 100 dias do seu mandato na sexta-feira

Venâncio Mondlane will announce government measures for the first 100 days of his mandate on Friday

Venâncio Mondlane, the presidential candidate leading the biggest challenge to the election results in Mozambique since the country's first elections, said today that he will announce, next Friday, the measures for the first 100 days of his rule as president elected by the people. "On Friday, at 3pm, I will indicate the measures for the first...

Pelo menos oito pessoas morreram no dia da investidura de Daniel Chapo como Presidente da República

At least eight people died on the day of Daniel Chapo's inauguration as President of the Republic

At least eight people died today, on the day that Daniel Chapo was sworn in as President of the Republic, according to non-governmental organizations in Mozambique. According to a report in the Portuguese newspaper Público, while Daniel Chapo was officially in office, the Mozambican Republic Police (PRM) tried to disperse protesters who were...

UEM remarca a realização dos exames de admissão para 28 a 31 de Janeiro

UEM reschedules entrance exams for January 28-31

Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), the largest and oldest higher education institution in the country, has announced that the entrance exams for the 2025 academic year have been rescheduled for the 28th to 31st of this month. The information was released in a statement by the educational institutions. The document recommends that candidates do not...

ONU apela as forças de segurança a absterem-se do uso desproporcionado da força

UN calls on security forces to refrain from disproportionate use of force

The United Nations (UN) today called on the Defense and Security Forces (DSF) to refrain from the unnecessary or disproportionate use of force in demonstrations in Mozambique, lamenting the deaths already recorded. The presidential candidate leading the biggest challenge to the election results in Mozambique since the country's first elections, Venâncio...

Cheias ameaçam distritos costeiros das províncias de Nampula e Zambézia

Floods threaten coastal districts in Nampula and Zambézia provinces

The coastal districts of the provinces of Nampula and Zambézia could suffer flooding in the next 48 hours as a result of the occurrence of the severe tropical storm "Dikeledi", which is already in the Mozambique Channel. According to a note from the National Directorate of Water Resources Management, quoted by the Ikweli portal, it is expected that the level of the...

Margarida Talapa eleita presidente do Parlamento

Margarida Talapa elected President of Parliament

The former Minister of Labor and Social Security, Margarida Talapa, has just been elected to the post of President of the Assembly of the Republic for the new legislature. Margarida Talapa was nominated this Saturday by Frelimo, and was elected during the swearing-in of the members of the Assembly of the Republic to lead the tenth legislature. Talapa is...