Author: Salvador Baloi (Salvador Baloi)

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MCC financia conclusão das obras de asfaltagem da estrada que liga Niassa a Zambézia

MCC funds completion of asphalting work on road linking Niassa to Zambézia

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC, the US foreign support agency - Compacto II), has announced that it will finance the completion of the asphalting work on Regional Road 657, linking Cuamba, in Niassa, to Magige, in Zambezia, which is about 90 kilometers long. The fact, according to a publication by Rádio Moçambique, was made public by the delegate of the National...

Benvinda Levi nomeada primeira-ministra no Governo de Daniel Chapo

Benvinda Levi appointed prime minister in Daniel Chapo's government

The President of the Republic, Daniel Francisco Chapo, using the powers conferred on him by the Constitution of the Republic, appointed Benvinda Levi to the post of Prime Minister by Presidential Order. Benvinda Levi was an advisor to the former President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, a position she held since 2015, and in September last year she was appointed as a...

Medidas governativas de Venâncio Mondlane: Acabar com toda violência no País … e criação de um fundo de apoio ao sector privado

Venâncio Mondlane's government measures: End all violence in the country ... and create a fund to support the private sector

Venâncio Mondlane, the presidential candidate leading the biggest challenge to the election results in Mozambique since the country's first elections, today announced his government measures as President elected by the people. Mondlane has listed a total of 25 measures. Speaking on his Facebook account, the PODEMOS presidential candidate began...

Daniel Chapo extingue dez Ministérios e cria outros nove

Daniel Chapo abolishes ten ministries and creates nine more

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, eliminated ten Ministries, State Secretariats and created another nine Ministries today, Thursday (16). According to a presidential order released today, Daniel Chapo eliminated the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Land and...

Albino Forquilha diz que perdeu-se confiança na sua relação com Venâncio Mondlane, mas o acordo continua

Albino Forquilha says that trust has been lost in his relationship with Venâncio Mondlane, but the agreement continues

The president of PODEMOS, Albino Forquilha, has admitted that there are differences in the fighting strategy between the party and Venâncio Mondlane, revealing that trust has been lost in the relationship between the parties, but for now they are trying to regain it after the return of their presidential candidate to the country. In an interview with STV, Forquilha said that the relationship between him and...

Venâncio Mondlane recusou encontro com o ministro português dos Negócios Estrangeiros

Venâncio Mondlane refused to meet the Portuguese Foreign Minister

Venâncio Mondlane, the presidential candidate leading the biggest challenge to the election results in Mozambique since the country's first elections, has refused to meet with the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Paulo Rangel. According to a CNN Portugal report, Venâncio Mondlane claims security reasons for not organizing a meeting, knowing of the various...

Daniel Chapo defende reconciliação entre os moçambicanos e diz que na política não há inimigos

Daniel Chapo defends reconciliation among Mozambicans and says there are no enemies in politics

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, on Thursday called for reconciliation among Mozambicans at a time when the country is experiencing a climate of instability since the announcement of the election results by the National Electoral Commission (CNE) last October. Participating in a service with religious leaders under the slogan "Repentance, Forgiveness and Reconciliation", Daniel Chapo...