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AQUA apreende carvão vegetal na rota de tráfico para África do Sul

AQUA seizes charcoal on trafficking route to South Africa

In the early hours of March 21, 2025, the National Agency for Environmental Quality Control (AQUA) seized 204 sacks of charcoal at the Ressano Garcia railway station on the trafficking route to the neighboring Republic of South Africa. The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), the Criminal Investigation Services...

Chapo determina prazo de sete dias para apresentação de plano de acção contra acidentes rodoviários

Chapo sets seven-day deadline to present road accident action plan

The Transport and Logistics sector was challenged today to present, within seven days, an Action Plan to reduce road accidents in the country. The challenge was launched by the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, and the plan should be presented at the next session of the Council of Ministers, he said. "We wanted to instruct...

Dívida pública moçambicana atinge 1 trilião de meticais

Mozambican public debt reaches 1 trillion meticais

The Balance of the Economic and Social Plan and State Budget (BdPESOE) for 2024 indicates that Mozambique's public debt will reach one trillion meticais in 2024, representing an increase of eight percent compared to 2023, when it was valued at around 967.2 billion meticais....

Chapo e Mondlane chegam a consenso para cessação imediata da violência no país

Chapo and Mondlane reach consensus on immediate end to violence in the country

Former presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane said yesterday that he had reached a consensus to pacify the country during his meeting with the President of the Republic (PR), Daniel Chapo. As he said, the proposals of the conversation were put forward by him and well received by the PR. "We reached a consensus on things that I personally put forward". The first "agreement" aims to...

Cabo Delgado: terroristas matam uma pessoa Chai

Cabo Delgado: terrorists kill one person Chai

A citizen was killed by terrorists on Saturday in the administrative post of Chai, Macomia district, during an attack on a truck carrying sacks of cement from Pemba to Mueda district in Cabo Delgado province. The victim was hit by several shots fired by terrorists along National Road 380...

China envia locomotivas de combustão interna para Moçambique

China sends internal combustion locomotives to Mozambique

Three internal combustion locomotives manufactured in China by CRRC Ziyang Co. and specially designed to meet operating conditions in Africa were officially shipped to Mozambique on March 10. Developed independently by CRRC Ziyang Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of CRRC Corporation Limited, these units mark the first time that a...

“Sempre houve confusões por causa de eleições…, mas queremos resolver os problemas”

"There has always been confusion over elections... but we want to solve the problems"

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, said today in the city of Lichinga, Niassa province, that the aim of the political dialog with the political parties is to solve the country's problems. According to Chapo, the occurrence of instability in the post-election period in the country has been going on since the first general elections were held in 1994. Meanwhile, as he explained,...