AT moves forward with a geospatial technology system to reduce smuggling

AT avança com um sistema tecnológico geo-espacial para reduzir o contrabando

The Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) intends to reduce the levels of smuggling, illicit collections and other evils that occur at border crossings by implementing a geospatial technological system.

According to the director-general of Customs, Taurai Tsama, the technology will optimize surveillance, strengthen inspection operations and respond effectively to cross-border incidents such as smuggling, drug trafficking and illegal movements of people, especially at a time when human and material resources are scarce.

"The scarcity of resources, which is transversal to the state, also means an opportunity for the AT, within the scope of its powers, to study sustainable mechanisms for implementing border control and monitoring technologies," said Taurai Tsama, quoted by the newspaper Sunday.

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