ANE invests 300 million meticais for maintenance of EN1 in Inhambane

The road sector is investing more than 314 million meticais in periodic maintenance of the National Road Number (EN1), between the towns of Chissibuca and Lindela, in Inhambane province, a section that was already in an advanced state of degradation.

The delegate of the National Road Administration (ANE), Dady Novelo, explained that the intervention consists of reconstructing some segments, filling in the holes, and resealing the road.

The work covers 132 kilometers, however the works are expected to take place on a cumulative 60 kilometers. Novelo explained that the amount invested results from the collection of revenues under the Self-Sustaining Road Maintenance Program (PROASME).

"This investment results in part from the collection of revenues under PROASME and is contributing greatly to the improvement of vehicular traffic on this stretch of road," he explained.

As part of PROASME, Inhambane province has planned three toll stations in Inharrime, Massinga and Mapinhane, which are expected to collect between 150 and 250 thousand meticais each per day.

The delegate from the Road Fund, Moisés Nunes, explained that the amount collected from the toll fees will be used for the maintenance of the EN1 and other roads.

Meanwhile, while the road works are underway, motorists continue to face the drama of the potholes, increasing the time taken to reach their destinations. Such is the case of Zaqueu Mafuieque, who currently takes more days between South Africa and the district of Machaze, in Manica.

"This route can be done in less time when the road is in condition. Now, for example, I hit three potholes and damaged one of the car's tires. This repair will help us a lot and we hope it will be done on more stretches," he commented.

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